San José, Costa Rica. May, 2015.
Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease. Its symptoms are varied and in our country, these are assumed as having the “flu”. However, its most common symptomatology is related with an attack of malaise, the presence of cough, sneezing and fever.
Dr. Miguel Boza Hernández, of Internal Medicine of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, indicates that the vaccine is apt for any person, as long as he/she is not allergic to the components of the vaccine or has any counter-indication from his/her attendant doctor.
“Every year, we recommend that patients receive the vaccine in order to prevent respiratory infections. The virus has many changes in its genetic matter, and that is why the annual vaccination is vital, in order to offer protection against the ever changing infectious agents,” indicated the doctor.
The main forms of contagion are through secretions or through the small drops of saliva when one sneezes. People can be infected if they do not wash their hands correctly, if they do not use disposable tissues among others.
This year in Costa Rica, the health authorities are recommending favoring the use of vaccines designed for the southern hemisphere of the continent, since they could offer better protection against the virus that circulate in our region.
According to data from WHO, each year vaccines save up to 3 million lives around the world.
These new vaccines will also be available in a few days at the vaccination unit of the Clínica Bíblica. If you are interested in learning more about this, the vaccination unit can provide further information.
Currently, the private medical centers offer various options for you to receive a vaccine against the influenza. The Clínica Bíblica Hospital has a vaccination unit that operates on the first floor, in the emergency area. The application of the vaccine may be intramuscular or subcutaneous and the cost of this varies according to the type of vaccine selected.
Thanks to the annual campaigns of vaccination against the influenza, our country has been able to reduce the index of morbidity and mortality in children and adults.
For further information or for requesting medical attention, please call the number 2522-1000, or write to the email or contact us via chat at the website: