Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica
Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica

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80% of sudden deaths are related with coronary artery disease

San José, Costa Rica. December, 2015.

ArteriaA balanced diet low in fats, high in proteins and fiber, with little sodium and sugars, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, a good control of glycemia and of blood pressure, which could help you prevent ischemic cardiopathies, a disease associated with sudden deaths.

Ischemic cardiopathy is the disease caused by the arteriosclerosis of coronary arteries, that is, those in charge of providing blood to the cardiac muscle (myocardium). It can be significantly prevented if its cardiovascular risk factors are known and controlled.

According to Dr. Juliana Salas Segura, cardiologist of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “the causes are multiple. There are non-modifiable factors such as age and gender, since it prevails more in men, but there are other modifiable or controllable ones such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, sedentarism, high cholesterol, smoking and obesity.”


Generally, the person comes in due to the presence of thoracic pain with oppressive characteristics, which is unleashed when the person performs any exercise or physical activity, which initiates in the thorax and irradiates to the jaw or to the left arm and which, generally, improves when the person suspends the activity he was performing.

“In order to detect this ailment it is very important to know the background information of direct relatives such as the father and mother, especially of those where the parents have suffered heart attacks or presented sudden death before the age of 45 years old,” said the cardiologist.


Currently, smoking is one the main causes of heart-attacks in young people. The increase of the use of drugs and alcohol increase cardiac risk in those that use them.


Routine exercise of at least 30 minutes 5 days a week significantly decreases the incidence of heart attacks. In addition, it helps to control obesity, another one of the modifiable risk factors.

To obtain further information, or to request an appoinment in any of the medical specialties with the best doctors of Costa Rica, you may contact the private Hospital Clínica Bíblica at telephone number 2522-1000, at email citas@clinicabiblica.com or vía chat on the website www.clinicabiblica.com


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