Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica
Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica

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Exposure to the sun produces spots and wrinkles

San José, Costa Rica. February, 2016.

exposición de solExposure to the sun without protection causes damages that accumulate day after day on the skin. This is due to the fact that our skin has a “memory effect”, that is, the excess of solar light remains registered on it, the same way it happens when there has been a burn on the body.

According to Dr. Adriana González Hidalgo, pharmacist of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “as time goes by, due to the exposure to the sun and the damage to the skin, premature aging may appear or, depending on the seriousness, different lesions such as spots, allergies or even cancer.”

Sunburns are a sign of skin damage. The ultraviolet rays (UV) are an invisible form of radiation. These may penetrate the skin and damage the cells. The UV rays may cause lesions during any season of the year and at any temperature. They may also cause eye problems, wrinkles, spots and cancer.

Light sunburns only cause skin redness, which may be painful. However, the more severe cases may produce sacks full of liquid (vesicles) or larger blisters.

“It is possible that the first signs of a sunburn do not appear for a few hours. The total effect on the skin may take a day or more to appear,” said Dr. González.

In addition to skin cancer, the inadequate exposure to the solar rays has other negative consequences:

  • Produces spots and wrinkles.
  • May cause vision problems.


Sunburn is the common name given to skin lesions that appear immediately after exposure to UV radiation.


Prevention leads to a better life

  • Keep away from the sun when its rays are strongest (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.).
  • Use sun block with a SPF of 15 or more.
  • Use protecting clothing.
  • Use sunglasses with good coverage that offer 100% protection against UV rays.
  • Avoid sun lamps and tanning beds.

Check your skin regularly to detect changes in size, form, color or texture of your birthmarks, moles and spots. Those changes may be a sign of skin cancer. In that case, seek medical assistance immediately.

The Clínica Bíblica Hospital, as part of its line of products, has a moisturizing cream with sun block factor 30, which protects against the UVA/UVB rays. Its enriched formula makes it ultra-moisturizing, which offers a soft skin feeling. It is adapted both for the face as well as for the body.

In order to obtain further information or request an appointment in any of the medical specialties with the best doctors of Costa Rica, please contact the private hospital Clínica Bíblica at telephone number 2522-1000, at email citas@clinicabiblica.com or vía chat on the website www.clinicabiblica.com


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