Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica
Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica

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Hearing disorders affect communication

San José, Costa Rica. February, 2016.

Problemas de audiciónThe greatest problem of hearing disorders is present in communication. Therefore, it also leads to interaction, social and affection issues.

According to Cinthia Azofeifa, audiologist of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “an audiometric alteration consists in the reduction of hearing acuteness, which is evidenced with lower perception thresholds of sounds and difficulties in language comprehension in some cases.”

The most common ailment varies with age. In the case of infants and toddlers, the common problems are the serous otitis media and tubal dysfunction. In teenagers and children, a hearing problem could affect interaction with their peers, parents and teachers. Therefore, their school performance may also be affected, not only due to the fact of not hearing well, but due to the high rate of absenteeism. With regard to adults, consultations are observed for tinnitus and vertigo and, in the case of elderly adults, the hearing loss that is related with getting older.

“One could say that the entire population that has a family history of recurrent otitis media or exposure to noise, among other factors, is in risk of developing hearing loss,” said the expert in audiology.

The diagnosis is made through medical assessment and different audiological tests. But, at home, when there is hearing loss, it is evidenced with problems to follow a conversation or lack of attention.

The treatment depends on the problem, and could vary from medications up to hearing prostheses. Prevention consists in the annual medical and audiological check-up.

“An annual hearing check-up is always recommendable and one should not wait until there is deafness, pain or any other physical manifestation. The medical consultation is important before the most minimal change or discomfort the person may feel,” concluded Azofeifa.

Serous Otitis Media: : is the presence of thick or sticky liquid behind the eardrum in the middle ear without infection.
Tubal dysfunction: : feeling ears blocked or earache.
Tinnitus: : consists in noticing beats or sounds in the ear that do not come from any external source.

In order to obtain further information or request an appointment in any of the medical specialties with the best doctors of Costa Rica, please contact the private hospital Clínica Bíblica at telephone number 2522-1000, at email citas@clinicabiblica.com or vía chat on the website www.clinicabiblica.com


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