Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica
Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica

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How to help the elderly adults at home

San José, Costa Rica. February, 2016.

Ayuda a adultos mayoresWe all know elderly adults or we have them at home. For them it is extremely important to enjoy good mobility no only to prevent falls but also to feel independent.

According to Fabián González Gutiérrez, physics therapy of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “when working with senior adults, in the first place, one should reduce the risk of a fall, so that one may work the mobility of the muscles and joints on a chair or on the bed, always with the help of another person in case it is necessary.”

One of the main recommendations is to keep healthy eating habits. Among the foods that collaborate with physical well-being and mobility are quinoa, broccoli, cauliflower, salmon, lentils, chick peas and the frequent consumption of water.

In addition to that, an important part is the practice of physical activity, and for this Dr. XXX, offers some recommendations below:

  • Perform physical exercise frequently (walking, swimming-pool exercises, sitting in the wheelchair, etc.), in accordance with your possibilities and on stable surfaces, where you are not liable to fall.
  • It is essential to keep a balanced diet where fruits, vegetables and low-fat foods are present in the daily diet according to the needs of every senior adult and which allows energy for your daily activities and an adequate personal weight.
  • Move only around areas with good lighting especially when walking up or down stairs, the kitchen, bathroom or bedrooms.
  • Always keep a good posture during all your activities, for example, a straight back when you are sitting down.
  • Initiate slowly with mobility exercises, and later, start increasing the time and level of effort of each exercise you perform.

In order to obtain further information or request an appointment in any of the medical specialties with the best doctors of Costa Rica, please contact the private hospital Clínica Bíblica at telephone number 2522-1000, at email citas@clinicabiblica.com or vía chat on the website www.clinicabiblica.com


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