Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica
Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica

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Leave aside stress and ensure your mental health

San José, Costa Rica. December, 2015.

Eliminar estrésStress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension. It can originate from any situation or thought that makes one feel frustrated, furious or nervous. Learning to identify the problems and applying solutions is key for stress prevention.

The current life rhythm makes stress management a necessary ability. We all have multiple responsibilities: work, study, home, child care and interpersonal relations.

According to Dr. Ricardo Millán González, psychiatrist physician of the Clínica Bíblica Hospital, “The fundamental issue is to be aware of oneself, our characteristics and capabilities, to establish mental health as a priority and learn to deal with life demands. Many times we go through life without concerning ourselves with our capacity for responding to stress.”

The first step to alleviate stress successfully is to decide to manage it as a priority and monitor our anxiety levels. Once we have defined this, the triggers will be identified. When or which situations generate a greater amount of stress for you? Some causes are easily identified such as work pressure, couple issues of financial difficulties.

Daily demands, such as road traffic or too many social obligations, as well as some positive events in life such as getting married, a new job, buying a house, are aspects that can also contribute to increase the stress level. When identifying the triggers, we can begin to think of strategies to deal with them, one of them is to identify what aspects of the overwhelming situation you can control.

“At times when the demands of your job are very high or you have a sick family member, take into account that the only thing that you can control is how to react to the situation, and that this answer will be adaptive (healthy) or non-adaptive (not healthy). You must not feel that you should know or solve everything. You can seek the aid of your social network.” said Millán.

It is essential to keep a healthy lifestyle in order to manage stress, have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, learn to organize yourself and sleeping enough are key to preventing stress.

If the situation surpasses the capability of adapting of the individual, professional help will usually be necessary. In those circumstances, there could be physical repercussions and in the different contexts of the person´s life.

“Stress will not disappear from our lives and its management is a process that will not be achieved overnight, but if we are able to establish a balance, give priority to our mental health and incorporate certain healthy adaptive strategies, these will help us to learn to control stress levels and increase the capability of facing the life challenges,” concluded the physician.

The private hospital in Costa Rica, Clínica Bíblica Hospital offers, in order to obtain further information or to request an appointment in any of the medical specialties with the best doctors of Costa Rica, the telephone line 2522-1000, the email address citas@clinicabiblica.com or via chat at the website: www.clinicabiblica.com



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