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This ailment is quite frequent and even more in the summer. Heatstroke is a symptom prior to sunstroke, so if you have felt weakness and exhaustion, you should go check yourself since this is how sunstroke begins.
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This ailment is quite frequent and even more in the summer. Heatstroke is a symptom prior to sunstroke, so if you have felt weakness and exhaustion, you should go check yourself since this is how sunstroke begins.
Intense thirst and mouth dryness, excessive sweating, stomach-aches, loss of appetite, nausea or vomiting, these may be symptoms of heat-strokes.
The vaccines to protect against the AH1N1 and other strains could have secondary effects. These could appear hours after the shot and vary according to the body of each patient.
We always want what is best for our children and making certain decisions is difficult for us because we are afraid the child may suffer. One of these decisions is to stop breast-feeding the baby and how to do so.
After the main meals, wait two hours before exercising, playing informal football or swimming. It is very important to chew well and slowly and even more if you are going to practice a sport. Another recommendation is to eat food without fatty dressings.
The American Psychiatry Association (APA) is an organization that works to ensure human care and effective treatment of all the persons with mental disorders, including disorders due to the use of substances. Dr. Mercedes Rivas Torres has been designated its honorary ambassador in Costa Rica.
Toxoplasmosis is found in all human beings around the world, as well as in many animal and bird species, but the parasite lives in cats. Most of the cases of this ailment are asymptomatic.
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