Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica
Llámenos 24/7 - Hospital Clínica Bíblica

Recent news (Blog)

Hodgkin Lymphoma

Fatigue, intermittent fever, especially at night, without any justification that justifies it, profuse sweating, unjustified weight loss, and non-painful inflammation of the lymph nodes of the neck, armpits or groin, are all symptoms of Hodgkin Lymphoma. A rash all over the body is also characteristic of this disease.

Infant teething

An increase in salivation, slight pain, inflammation, reddening of the gums and slight fever, which is not present in all cases, are part of the symptoms that children experience when they begin teething around 8 months-old or even since 5 months-old.

Emergencies prepare

The Clínica Bíblica Hospital will test its coordination mechanisms and response procedures, and also puts in practice emergency plans of the public-private workplaces, as well as the management of public spaces, in a seismic event in the urban area of San José.

Blood Bank

For the second consecutive year, the Blood Bank of the Clinica Biblica Hospital received the “Elite” quality certificate on the Latin American level.  This distinction is awarded by the Asociación Brasileira de Hematología y Hemoterapia (Brazilian Association of Hematology and Hemo-therapy) under the Program of External Quality Control in Immunohematology.


A “common flu”, accompanied of fever, pain when swallowing and later appearance of fine rash which gives the skin a texture of sandpaper (sometimes it appears before the fever), and in some cases with the presence of the “raspberry tongue”, that is red with tiny dots, could be scarlet fever.

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