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Year by year, the Clínica Bíblica Hospital plants trees and last Saturday November 28th, a group of collaborators and their families participated in the annual reforestation process...
Recent news (Blog)
Year by year, the Clínica Bíblica Hospital plants trees and last Saturday November 28th, a group of collaborators and their families participated in the annual reforestation process...
A balanced diet low in fats, high in proteins and fiber, with little sodium and sugars, prevents the accumulation of cholesterol, a good control of glycemia and of blood pressure, which could help you prevent ischemic cardiopathies...
Good interpersonal relations with parents and caregivers generate for the baby a safe emotional and social development, since feeling loved and respected allows him to be able to learn about the world around him.
According to the ranking published by the American magazine U.S. News & World Report, Costa Rica is the fourth country in the region and number 36 in Latin America to live in.
A new year is near and with it, an awakening of a new beginning, leaving behind twelve months overwhelmed with experiences, pleasant and desired moments, circumstances that marked us on way or another, learning, roads with new exits and others where the previously drawn route changed.
Cancer is a disease that is difficult to prevent. What we can do is try to reduce the risk of suffering it.
Stress is a feeling of physical or emotional tension. It can originate from any situation or thought that makes one feel frustrated, furious or nervous. Learning to identify the problems and applying solutions is key for stress prevention.
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